
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) & California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Compliance

Slickplan of Awmous, LLC is dedicated to keeping your data private and secure. It is important to us that you understand how we collect, process and retain data. We are fully compliant with the EU GDPR & CCPA regulations.

Data Policy

What Data We Collect

We collect and store only the information that is provided by you and your account users for your own personal or business benefit. Please be aware that we do not advocate or recommend sending confidential or sensitive data to Slickplan.

There are situations which we collect data on behalf of 3rd party data processors such as payment services, email providers, website analytics, etc. Upon request we can furnish a complete list of 3rd party providers and their own GDPR & CCPA policies should you want access to additional data.

What Data We Process

We process data provided by you and your account users for your personal and business benefit only. In certain circumstances we may combine information from 3rd party providers for internal purposes or for the personal or business benefit of the account owner. The data we process is used in the normal operations for the web-based services we provide as set out in our terms of service.

Data Retention

We retain data for the lifetime of your account while providing you with the ability for full control over this data. This includes modification and permanent deletion of your data from your account and archival backups. Account owners may request all of their data be furnished to them in a timely and organized fashion. Please contact support for all data requests.

Permanent Data Deletion

Upon request of the account owner, we will process a full data deletion from our active records and archival backups. Once this process is complete we will be unable to reactivate your account or furnish you with your account data. Contact support for all data deletion requests.

Security & Privacy

Security Features

  • TLS encrypted connection
  • Network and security monitoring
  • Multiple secure data centers
  • Security awareness
  • Secure offsite data backup

Security Incidents

Our team is committed to providing our customers with rapid and transparent information regarding suspected or confirmed security incidents involving stored data.

Securing Your Data

We have a firm policy not to share publicly or privately any user account or customer data with 3rd parties or individuals who have not been granted access by the account owner.

Additional Policies

Slickplan Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy

More About GDPR & CCPA

GDPR Key Changes -

GDPR Guide -

CCPA Overview -

Ask a Question?

Still have a question? Please contact support and we would be happy to answer any questions, process data deletion or help you with any other GDPR & CCPA request. Please note that we do not handle GDPR requests through social media.